Thursday, January 28, 2021

Treasure Valentine's Day Sensory and Scripture Activities

Valentine's Day is coming up and love and hearts are everywhere. There are hundreds of great themes to do with kids that connect to scripture and God's love during this time, but this year I decided to do some activities you might not find everywhere else and use the verse "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Plus it's fun because we can play with treasure!)

These activities are by no means exclusive to Valentine's Day and can easily be used at any time of the year as well!

My kids love playing with and hiding our play treasures and these simple play activities can lead into great discussion about the things that we treasure here on earth and the things that God treasures - and what is most important. 

Valentine's Day activities for Preschool Sunday School Matthew 6:21

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Fall Sensory Bin and Memory Verse

Fall sensory and scripture bins! Have fun and learn and grow with this fall themed sensory bin. My 2.5 year old loves scooping and playing with the corn. My 5 year old really enjoyed sorting and examining the different leaves and also making patterns with the big leaves.

Introduce one activity at a time and then mix them all together:

🐿 Acorns - sort small/large, sort by color, spell name (if you choose to have letters written on)

🐿 Acrylic fall items - sort leaves by shapes, sort items by color, patterns, use sorting sheet, pick up with tongs

🐿 Silk leaves - there are 4 of each color, match them or make patterns with the leaves

🐿 Scripture - say these verses as you play. Put the cards in a place where you will see it often and read them out loud when you do. What great discussion can be had when you talk about how the seasons change, but our God never does! He is always good in every season.

🐿 Fun - scoop, play, use your imagination!

Grab a Pre-made Kit

Each pre-made kit includes:
🍂 3 lbs field corn
🍃 bag of 25 assorted acrylic leaves and pumpkins/acorns
🍂 bag of 36 silk leaves (in 8 different colors/patterns)
🍃 bag of small and large acorns - 16 total (if you want letters on them to spell a name just let me know when ordering)
🍂 2 laminated verse cards (Isaiah 40:8 and Hebrews 13:8)
🍃 laminated color sorting paper
🍂 2 coloring / tracing pages (level 1: trace 1/2 words, level 2: trace all the words)
🍃 wooden tong and 2 mini wooden spoons

🍁 $15 without the bin or
🍁 $20 with the 12x12 bin
🍁 need it shipped? Contact me for a quote
❌ some pieces are a choking hazard, not for children under 3 without adult supervision ❌

Prep Yourself

Here's the items I used for this sensory bin from amazon (affiliate links)

And then grab some field corn from your local Tractor Supply!


If you are using these activities or any of these ideas, I'd love to see! Please tag me @BreezyMotherhood on Instagram and/or Facebook and be sure to follow too! ;) 
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